Preconfigured Images for AWS and Azure virtual machines

Explore our extensive selection of preconfigured images, available on AWS and Azure Marketplace, meticulously designed for seamless integration of the three major browser automation frameworks: Selenium, Puppeteer, and Playwright. Specializing in ready-to-go virtual machines, we offer preinstalled GUI desktops based on xfce4, ensuring a smooth and efficient user experience. Dive into our solutions, tailored for immediate deployment and optimal performance in your cloud environment.

Selenium Dynamic Grid with One Click

Available on AWS and Azure, our preconfigured virtual machine comes ready-to-use with a fully featured Selenium Dynamic Grid. This sophisticated setup efficiently queues up incoming requests and distributes them across isolated Docker containers, ensuring a streamlined and scalable automation process.

When to choose virtual machines for browser automation?

Choosing the right technology for your web automation task is critical. Our experts help you understand the key elements that will get the most out of your next project. Running automation on real devices offers the closest simulation available to your end-users, which is why it is used in QA and Test Automation. Virtual Machines provide an easy way to replicate this using Selenium, Puppeteer, and Playwright in the cloud. The closer the test environment to your end-users' environment, the better the QA results. Our Selenium Dynamic Grid is based on Docker images, and our serverless solutions are the most scalable and cost-effective options in our portfolio.

Real Devices


Reliability & Fault Tolerance

Execution time per request


Virtual Machines


Reliability & Fault Tolerance

Execution time per request




Reliability & Fault Tolerance

Execution time per request




Reliability & Fault Tolerance

Execution time per request


Integrates with all common Frameworks

We provide solutions for all three of the major web automation frameworks: Selenium, Puppeteer & Playwright.

Lightweight Linux Desktop Environments in the Cloud

Step into the future of virtual desktops with our array of ready-to-use virtual machines, each equipped with comprehensive Linux desktop environments. Our partnerships with leading developers of xfce4, xrdp, tigervnc, and various Linux distributions guarantee a range of seamless GUI experiences tailored for cloud efficiency.

Linux distros we build with